Message from President

Through its long history more than a century since the start of our business in 1901, we have been contributing
to the modernization of agriculture in Japan by always several steps advanced technology, fast catching the needs
of the times and with a spirit of artisan as a specialist of an agriculture machinery manufacturer.

Our technological ability and development capability backed up with many international patents granted in Australia
and the United States, etc. and also with various industrial rights honored with the prize of Minister of Science
and the Technology, have been enjoying high appreciation. Particularly, our product, "Cultivator" has been awarded
the innovation prize and it's the first in the agriculture machinery industry in Japan.

Now at brilliant start of 21st century following the past one century, we are boldly and actively challenging
with young and enthusiastic frontier spirits toward the next 100 years for development of high quality products
based on the technical assets accumulated through the long history, exerting the state of art technologies
into research and development of environmental issues like energy saving and recycling, etc.
which much demanded by the times.

I sincerely hope your continuing support and partnership as usual.